Healing: The Darkest Nights

Lately, I’ve been feeling low on energy, too uncertain and almost like everything in my life was going haywire. Felt so alone with myself and even with people around me.

And after so much unresolved frustration within me, I began to realise the healing process wasn’t an all smooth asphalt road. I realized there are days, I would second guess the healing process.

Was it worth it at all? What was the use if it was going to leave me feeling more broken than I already was. But maybe it was worth it.

Getting a diamond out of a stone after being there for a long time was never an easy process. But in the end it was always sparklingly worth it.

And to Bern, I apologize for the distance you experienced with me these few days at work. I’m realizing now my silence did not help with the situation.

Happy new month everyone😁😁😁. I wish you the very best out of September.


Sometimes, the emotions will come back hitting you in the face. A splash of cold water; an awakening of pain. A guilt trip; a tour of regretful memory lanes.

You would feel so alone, even angry and bitter. You would feel misunderstood and undeserving.

But before you get swept away by the tides; Close your eyes and take a long breath.

If it’s a tear, let it flow; don’t hold it in.

If it’s a scream, let it out.

If you need to open up to someone, find strength in your vulnerability to do so.

In the end, I hope you pray that you find strength in the joy of the Lord. You are human, a being; in the process of evolving.

Some days, the demons will come out and play; the skeletons will knock hard inside the secret cupboards we keep them. It’s a phase; though painful, it shall pass. You have the power to overcome. You are a survivor.

No one has the right to label you with your past, not even you. The Captain of Israel paid that debt and more. You have a chance at redefinition.

You might be that tree, cut down…but at the scent of water, it will sprout to life again. (Job 14:6-7)

Your story is not defined by a couple of awful chapters.
Open up a new page if you may.
Redo some chapters if you so desire.

No matter what, keep moving forward. It’s okay to take a break; to find your strength.

At the end, I hope you finish your race. I hope the lessons you picked up help shape you. And I hope you find a reason to smile in your purpose… against all odds.

18 responses to “Healing: The Darkest Nights”

  1. Soul food needed at the right time. Pray everyone around the world who reads this finds strength and hope, the darkest days shall pass. Thanks for sharing. Cheers

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amen to that DrC. The darkest days shall surely pass.


  2. Atanga Timothy Atanga Avatar
    Atanga Timothy Atanga

    So beautiful your words are!
    I developed goose pimples when I read this piece.
    Go higher and higher.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow really glad I touched your heart. Thanks again Tim


  3. Daniel Delali Kumah Avatar
    Daniel Delali Kumah

    Nice piece! I hope I find I reason to smile too

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Delali. I hope you find a reason too.


  4. That was soothing…Indeed the darkest night shall pass and we shall surely heal. The damage wouldn’t control our lives again…🥰🙌🏽

    Liked by 2 people

  5. So true. The healing process is quite messy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You know. But glad it’s worth it. Glad you passed by Renni


  6. Beautiful words, we will go through the healing process and soon it will be over

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And soon it will be over dear.
      Glad to hear from you Rachael.
      Let’s keep trusting the process.


  7. I hear you, Abi. It really do be like that sometimes. But we’ve got to stay optimistic… else we no longer have hope and healing becomes impossible. 💚

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hmmm…this sometimes happens to me too. To we the men especially, let us not ascribe to this “men don’t cry thing” and open up to someone, shed the tears, etc just like Abi said for
    “The darkest night will end”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed the darkest night shall pass. And…yes it’s okay to cry. It’s not bounded by gender.


  9. This is beautiful 💜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sed.
      Glad you liked it


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